Preschool Teacher Saves Former Student’s Life by Donating Her Liver

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In a heartwarming act of kindness, a preschool teacher has given a former student the gift of life by donating part of her liver. Ezra Toczek, a five-year-old boy from Western New York, was diagnosed with end-stage liver disease and placed on the transplant list in February. His condition was the result of liver damage sustained at birth.

Carissa Fisher, Ezra’s former preschool teacher, stepped up to become a living donor after learning about his dire situation. Living donors are healthy individuals who donate an organ or part of an organ to someone in need. Fisher applied to donate her liver in March and was approved last week.

On May 25, Fisher visited the Toczek family’s home with a stuffed animal, balloons, and a handmade sign to deliver the joyous news in person. Ezra’s mother, Karen Toczek, expressed her overwhelming gratitude, stating, “We are completely overwhelmed with her kindness and generosity and sacrifice, and it keeps hitting us unexpectedly that it’s really happening and we’re really going to be able to move forward, and we’re so grateful.”

Karen shared her emotional reaction on Facebook, calling the donation “the most amazing gift” and revealing that she “literally couldn’t process” the news at first .

Speaking with WKBW, Fisher described the moment as “emotional” and emphasized the impact one person can have on another's life. “You never know whose life you are going to be changing,” she said. “It made me very happy to see both of them happy.”

The surgery is expected to take place this summer in New York City. Until then, Ezra is holding on, with his mother noting, “He has struggles, fatigue, sleep difficulties, and days where he just isn’t feeling well, but overall he is a trooper, and finds joy every day.”

Fisher must undergo a two-week reflection period before the donor team can schedule the surgery. The Toczek family remains hopeful for a successful transplant and a brighter future for Ezra.

This incredible act of generosity highlights the profound difference one individual can make in the life of another, turning a story of illness and despair into one o f hope and compassion.

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