Rufus Sewell engagement news

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 Rufus Sewell, the twice-married Holiday actor, has proposed to US actress Vivian Benitez, 26 ¹. The 56-year-old actor, who played love rat Jasper in the festive movie The Holiday, popped the question to the American actress, who is 30 years his junior ¹. Vivian has starred in Arsenal, Criminal Minds, and Sky Dancers Grown Up ¹. This will be the third time Rufus has tied the knot ¹.

Vivian shared an image of the pair cuddling up on social media, as well as the beautiful diamond ring Rufus gave her ¹. She wrote in the caption: 'Til death, (or him continuing to walk on bathmats with his outside shoes) do us part' ¹. It appears Rufus popped the question during a romantic getaway in Rome as Vivian shared a snap of herself in the city a day prior to their exciting announcement ¹. A host of Vivian's pals took to the comment section of the engagement post to share their congratulations ¹.

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