Cher's daughter-in-law opens up about their rocky relationship

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Angie King, the British wife of Cher's son Elijah Blue Allman, has revealed the struggles she faced in her marriage due to the interference of the legendary singer. She said that Cher tried to split them up several times, and even accused her of plotting to kidnap Elijah.

Angie, who married Elijah in 2013, said that Cher was initially supportive of their relationship, but things changed after they eloped. She said that Cher was furious that they did not invite her to their wedding, and started to distance herself from them.

She also said that Cher was very controlling of Elijah, who was under a conservatorship that gave her legal authority over his finances and personal affairs. She said that Cher used the conservatorship to manipulate Elijah, and to prevent him from pursuing his own career as a musician.

Angie said that she and Elijah tried to maintain a good relationship with Cher, but it was difficult. She said that Cher often ignored their calls and texts, and rarely invited them to her lavish mansion in Malibu. She said that Cher had a special room for her wigs, but no room for them.

She also said that Cher accused her of being a gold digger, and of plotting to kidnap Elijah and take him to England. She said that Cher hired private investigators to spy on them, and even threatened to cut Elijah out of her will.

Angie said that the last four years have been a nightmare, and that she and Elijah almost divorced several times. She said that they managed to stay together because of their love for each other, and their faith in God.

She said that things have improved recently, after Cher lost her conservatorship case in court. She said that Elijah is now free to make his own decisions, and to pursue his own dreams. She said that they are hopeful that Cher will accept them, and that they can have a normal family life.

She said that she loves Cher, and that she respects her as an artist and a mother. She said that she hopes that Cher will love her back, and that they can heal their wounds. She said that she believes that Cher has a good heart, and that she wants the best for Elijah. She said that she is willing to forgive and forget, and to start a new chapter with Cher.

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