"You've gotta learn to dance if you wanna be an almost perfect artist." Rudeboy of P-Square

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By Criss

 "You've gotta learn to dance if you wanna be an almost perfect artist." Rudeboy of P-Square 

"Dancing is a plus when it comes to music but it has it has a lifespan. If you wanna be a great artist, you've gotta learn to dance. I know even 19 year old kids are dropping songs now but every artist should try and dance. Don't just dance to dance but you need to come up with your own unique moves. Great artist like Michael Jackson, Chris Brown and other artists are all great dancers who have their unique styles and many people love them not just because of their music but because of their dance moves. I was a very good dancer but I had to stop when I grew older because of my health. I can't do those "Personally", "Alingo" and P-Square's other cheorographed dance moves again but those were some of our greatest hits because of the dance moves. We were the first African artist to recreate Michael Jackson's gravity lean." Rudeboy



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