UNTOLDHISTORY: Former President of Iran (2005-2013), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has chosen a path of simplicity and humility after leaving office.

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 🔻📱🔺 #UNTOLDHISTORY: Former President of Iran (2005-2013), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has chosen a path of simplicity and humility after leaving office. Instead of amassing wealth or living a lavish lifestyle, he has embraced a modest existence that reflects the values of the people he once led.

🌿 Peacefully Herding Sheep: Ahmadinejad spends his free time herding sheep, connecting with nature, and finding solace in the simplicity of rural life. This unexpected image of a former head of state tending to animals is a powerful reminder of the importance of humility and groundedness.

💰 Renouncing the Presidential Pension: Rather than clinging to the perks of his former position, Ahmadinejad renounced his presidential pension. He chose to return to teaching at the university, earning a modest $250 a month. This decision speaks volumes about his commitment to a life of service and intellectual pursuit.

🏠 Modest Living: Ahmadinejad lives in a simple house, eschewing opulence. When he stays at hotels, he opts for basic accommodations, sometimes even without a bed. His preference for sleeping on the floor with a single mattress and blanket underscores his humility.

🚌 Getting Around by Bus: Despite having held the highest office in the land, Ahmadinejad chooses to travel by bus. His willingness to use public transportation aligns with his belief that leaders should experience life as their citizens do.

🚗 Selling His Maintained Peugeot: The former President of Iran sold his well-maintained Peugeot, further demonstrating his commitment to a frugal lifestyle. Rather than holding onto symbols of power, he prioritizes practicality and simplicity.

🌟 A Real Leader’s Example: When questioned about why he didn’t leverage his presidency to improve his financial situation, Ahmadinejad’s response is profound: “A real leader must live the way his people live.” His actions exemplify true leadership—one that prioritizes empathy, humility, and service over personal gain.

#Leadership #Humility #Simplicity #Ahmadinejad

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